hit upon a bit of luck
bit of luck
: 《a ~》一つの幸運{こううん}
have a bit of luck
: 幸運{こううん}を拾う
little bit of luck
: 《a ~》少しの幸運{こううん}
with a little bit of luck
: あわよくば
hit a streak of luck
: 一連{いちれん}のつきに恵まれる
hit upon
: =
to hit upon
: to hit upon 思いつく 思い付く おもいつく
hit upon a good plan
: いい案を思い付く
hit upon an idea
: 考えを思い付く、名案{めいあん}が浮かぶ
hit upon the idea of
: ~を思い付く
hit upon the perfect solution
: 完ぺきな解決法{かいけつ ほう}を思い付く
idea one hit upon
: (人)が思い付いたアイデア
to hit upon something
: to hit upon something 思い及ぶ おもいおよぶ
hope a bit of someone's luck will wear off on
: (人)の幸運{こううん}に少しでもあやかりたいと願う
push one's luck a bit too far
: 調子{ちょうし}に乗り過ぎる He pushed his luck a bit too far at the party.
"hit two-for-two" 意味
"hit under the wings" 意味
"hit up" 意味
"hit up someone for cash" 意味
"hit upon" 意味
"hit upon a good plan" 意味
"hit upon a happy phrase" 意味
"hit upon a whole new brand of" 意味
"hit upon an idea" 意味
"hit up someone for cash" 意味
"hit upon" 意味
"hit upon a good plan" 意味
"hit upon a happy phrase" 意味
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